After three years of intense meetings and disputes between Google and the French media, the French Competition Authority has just approved an agreement document between the parties, which obliges the Alphabet Inc. corporation to pay for the journalistic content it distributes. What is the agreement reached by the French media with Google? By: Gabriel E. […]

French Competition Authority ends dispute with Google Read More »

In the collective imagination, the Internet is synonymous with plurality, largely because people can freely express their opinions, and in most Western countries, there are no restrictions on the publication of content; however, the provision of the multilayer services that make up the network are in the hands of a few players, which constitutes a

The Invisible Risk of Internet Concentration Read More »

It is not possible to reduce to a single cause the difficulties that fifth-generation mobile technology is facing to materialize itself, we can be tempted to blame largely the unfortunate wave of misinformation. However, if one observes from a distance, it is possible to identify deeper and more structural causes, which probably merit an in-depth

Why did 5g become the center of global controversy? Read More »