
5G will be the technology that will revolutionize high-speed wireless connectivity globally in the next decade. Conservative figures estimate that 40% of humanity will be connected through its networks by 2025[1] and according to a study published by GSMA [2], it will produce an estimated $2 trillion for the world economy once implemented. While there […]

The Potential Vulnerabilities of 5G Read More »

Although historically the development of the different standards has been marked by a fundamentally technological agenda, in the case of 5G, its implementation seems to be marked by commercial and geopolitical agendas, becoming the new battlefield of a kind of 21st century cold war.   Why is 5G the new battleground of global geopolitics? 5G

5G Sets the Agenda for Global Geopolitics Read More »

It is not possible to reduce to a single cause the difficulties that fifth-generation mobile technology is facing to materialize itself, we can be tempted to blame largely the unfortunate wave of misinformation. However, if one observes from a distance, it is possible to identify deeper and more structural causes, which probably merit an in-depth

Why did 5g become the center of global controversy? Read More »