A recent investigation published by the New York Times International reporter Mark Fisher showed how after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the phenomenon of targeted disinformation strategies grew substantially at a global level, as well as the scope of the agencies dedicated to this dark business [1]. Why is the Disinformation industry a threat to humanity? […]

The Growing Disinformation Industry Read More »

The creator of the controversial documentary The Social Dilemma, Jeff Orlowskien, recently assured that “Social media is ending democracy” [1]. This affirmation that coincides with what was stated by Facebook Co-founder Chris Hughes, who considers that this company has to be dissolved due to the “uncontrollable power it holds” [2], at the same time that

Neutrality and Transparency of Algorithms Read More »

The CMA (UK Competition and Markets Authority) recently published a rigorous report about markets of digital platforms and online advertising [1], which, among other aspects, concludes that in this area of the economy “competition is not working well, causing substantial damage to consumers and society.” Although many studies around the world have evidenced this phenomenon,

British competition authority sets off alarm bells on digital market Read More »