The first pandemic in times of globalization affected 180 countries in less than three months, saturated the health system around the world, put the global economy in check, generated border closures in the five continents, increased unemployment and poverty, affected 70% of world air traffic, fractured the global production, supply and distribution chain, nationalist fervor […]

Postpandemic and Globalization: The New World Order Read More »

Hardly any economic sector is as hostile to small micro and mini-entrepreneurs as the telecommunications sector. While in segments such as food, commerce or tourism, governments invest in incubation and strengthening programs; on the contrary, plans for telecommunications SMEs in Latin America seem to be designed to hinder their growth. How do small ISPs survive

Service: The Differential Value of Small ISPs Read More »

The concept of Digital Divide refers to any type of unequal distribution in the access, use, or appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) among social groups. It is not only a matter of technologies, but also of social aspects that have an impact on multiple dimensions of human life and, in the particular case

Digital Divide: The Burden in Latin American Economic Growth Read More »